
Dallas BA Weighs in on DACA and the Need for a Viable Guest Worker Program

The lack of sufficient labor continues to be the top worry for builders in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. The region’s shortage of around 20,000 construction workers delays home construction about two months on average and increases housing costs by nearly $5,000.

Immigration is once again taking a front seat in the news cycle following yesterday’s State of the Union address and amidst concerns over the future of the DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) policy. That policy is the product of a broken system as are the recent discussions on its future and the fate of those covered by the program.

The Dallas BA continues to urge policy makers to enact a viable guest worker program that meets the needs of the construction industry. Numbers for such a program could be set by the states. The Association is very appreciative of the coverage provided by NBC 5’s Maria Guerrero.

The future of our industry, which is a major part of the region’s economy, depends on young men and women who are ready, willing and able to fill these 20,000 open jobs. Our efforts will continue to focus on policies that allow them to step out of the shadows and into our workforce.